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Nuclear waste recycling

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Why health and fatality risk and suffering?

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Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose,
Refuel & Renew (5R)

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Radioactive waste to clean H2 and non-radioactive products

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Why dump and risk ecosystem?

Nuclear waste recycling

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MSDS - Entity 1: Transforming Greenhouse Gases to Energy and Valuable Materials

Nuclear waste recycling


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Incineration Distillation


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Precipitation Wet Oxidation Acid Digestion


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Microbial Remediation via MECC Microbial digestion
MSDS - Entity 1: Transforming Greenhouse Gases to Energy and Valuable Materials

General Methods of radioactive waste recycling - Recycling methods

Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2

Electrocatalytic conversion of GHG emissions from petrochemical industries

The electrocatalytic conversion of GHG emissions to Value Added Products (VAPs) including ethanol is carried out employing electrochemical reactor at ambient of 28oC, 1 atms pressure and flow rate of emissions from petrochemical industry roughly 500ml/min. The initiator solution is acidified with 50 ml of conc. HCl. The acidified solution generates in-house hydrogen gas to facilitate the reduction of GHG emissions with carbon in the form of CO2, CO, CH4, ethane, N2, SOx, NOx, S, H2S etc into ethanol, acetates and 5-methyl –phenylazothiophene – 2 – azo dye.
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Thus, from the HR-MS spectra of liquid and solid products of the GHG emissions electrocatalytic reduction as ethanol, Mg acetoethoxide, Cupric ethoxide, cuprous ethoxide, 5-methyl-phenyl azo thiophene-azo dye. Depending on the variation in constituents and composition of the input GHG emissions, either ethanol or 5-methyl-phenyl azo thiophene-azo dye or acetic acid can be fine-tuned to be the major product.

Electrocatalytic conversion of GHG emissions from petrochemical industries

Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2

Electrochemical separation and agglomeration of iron ore in steel slag

Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Steel slag is a by-product obtained in the steel production plants and also presents huge challenge in the solid waste disposal. The steel slag although considered as solid waste also possess several valuable elements such as titanium, nickel, Zinc, iron, aluminum, silica so on and so forth. These elements or compounds when extracted by chemical or physical process results in value addition in diverse fields of applications such as wastewater treatment to semiconductor devices. It can be understood from the literature that the leaching technique was the most widely used in the resource recovery domain followed by other techniques like fusion, hydrothermal treatment. As iron is the major constituent of steel production, any Fe content in the slag can be recovered electrochemically and utilize the silica content in the slag to encapsulate the same to avoid from environmental reactions and corrosion. The major advantage of Entity1 solution is that it can separate the minerals or elements at concentrations as low as parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb) (Ref: 202341000490).
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2

Silicon Ingots From Refractory Bricks and Steel Sludge, Slag Industrial Wastes

Steel slag is a by-product obtained in the steel production plants and also presents huge challenge in the solid waste disposal. The steel slag although considered as solid waste also possess several valuable elements such as titanium, nickel, Zinc, iron, aluminum, silica so on and so forth. These elements or compounds when extracted by chemical or physical process results in value addition in diverse fields of applications such as wastewater treatment to semiconductor devices. It can be understood from the literature that the leaching technique was the most widely used in the resource recovery domain followed by other techniques like fusion, hydrothermal treatment.
Refractory bricks from steel plants are mostly silicon dioxide (> 70-98%). These refractory
bricks are rich source of semiconductor materials like Si and SiC upon proper processing. In
addition, steel sludge a waste material from steel industries possesses > 70% of SiO 2 that can be processed to Si or SiC.
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
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Physical Method

Evaporation: removal of salts, heavy metals and other hazardous & radioactive waste

  • Reduction of volume of radioactive waste and other toxic materials from LLW & ILW
  • ​Highly expensive due to its high-energy requirement
  • High amount of inactive salts leads to slowdown
  • Evaporation in organic salts leads to explosion

Incineration or Pyrolysis (High Temperature)

  • Releasing CO2, H2O, S, and HC1 as by-product
  • ​Requires gas-filtering systems to control radioactive discharges.
  • Thickening and removal of water need pretreatment


  • H2: 120-142 MJ/kg
  • Gasoline: 44-51 MJ/kg From radioactive waste

Distillation: Involves reduction of volume of radioactive waste in solid

  • Pretreatment technique of incineration
  • Requires high energy and slow output

Environmental & health benefits

  • 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of H2 gas = the energy in 1 gallon (6.2 pounds, 2.8 kgs) of gasoline
  • Hydrogen is abundant stored in H2O, hydrocarbons & other organic matter

Distillation: Involves reduction of volume of radioactive waste in solid

  • Radioactive waste is treated, in chronological order Incineration, evaporation and compaction to avoid contamination 
  • Radioactive waste remain forever buried 
  • Possibilities of leakage and contamination into the ground water or into the ocean 
  • Other physical methods: cutting, decontamination, sedimentation, land fill 
  • Ineffective in the treatment of radioactive waste 
  • Need for novel methods to treat the radioactive waste!!!
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General Methods of radioactive waste recycling - Recycling methods

Entity 1 | Electrocatalytic technology

Electrocatalytic conversion of GHG emissions from petrochemical industries

The electrocatalytic conversion of GHG emissions to Value Added Products (VAPs) including ethanol is carried out employing electrochemical reactor at ambient of 28oC, 1 atms pressure and flow rate of emissions from petrochemical industry roughly 500ml/min. The initiator solution is acidified with 50 ml of conc. HCl. The acidified solution generates in-house hydrogen gas to facilitate the reduction of GHG emissions with carbon in the form of CO2, CO, CH4, ethane, N2, SOx, NOx, S, H2S etc into ethanol, acetates and 5-methyl –phenylazothiophene – 2 – azo dye.
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Thus, from the HR-MS spectra of liquid and solid products of the GHG emissions electrocatalytic reduction as ethanol, Mg acetoethoxide, Cupric ethoxide, cuprous ethoxide, 5-methyl-phenyl azo thiophene-azo dye. Depending on the variation in constituents and composition of the input GHG emissions, either ethanol or 5-methyl-phenyl azo thiophene-azo dye or acetic acid can be fine-tuned to be the major product.

Electrocatalytic conversion of GHG emissions from petrochemical industries

Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2

Electrochemical separation and agglomeration of iron ore in steel slag

Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Steel slag is a by-product obtained in the steel production plants and also presents huge challenge in the solid waste disposal. The steel slag although considered as solid waste also possess several valuable elements such as titanium, nickel, Zinc, iron, aluminum, silica so on and so forth. These elements or compounds when extracted by chemical or physical process results in value addition in diverse fields of applications such as wastewater treatment to semiconductor devices. It can be understood from the literature that the leaching technique was the most widely used in the resource recovery domain followed by other techniques like fusion, hydrothermal treatment. As iron is the major constituent of steel production, any Fe content in the slag can be recovered electrochemically and utilize the silica content in the slag to encapsulate the same to avoid from environmental reactions and corrosion. The major advantage of Entity1 solution is that it can separate the minerals or elements at concentrations as low as parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb) (Ref: 202341000490).
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2

Silicon Ingots From Refractory Bricks and Steel Sludge, Slag Industrial Wastes

Steel slag is a by-product obtained in the steel production plants and also presents huge challenge in the solid waste disposal. The steel slag although considered as solid waste also possess several valuable elements such as titanium, nickel, Zinc, iron, aluminum, silica so on and so forth. These elements or compounds when extracted by chemical or physical process results in value addition in diverse fields of applications such as wastewater treatment to semiconductor devices. It can be understood from the literature that the leaching technique was the most widely used in the resource recovery domain followed by other techniques like fusion, hydrothermal treatment.
Refractory bricks from steel plants are mostly silicon dioxide (> 70-98%). These refractory
bricks are rich source of semiconductor materials like Si and SiC upon proper processing. In
addition, steel sludge a waste material from steel industries possesses > 70% of SiO 2 that can be processed to Si or SiC.
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
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Physical Method

Evaporation: removal of salts, heavy metals and other hazardous & radioactive waste

  • Reduction of volume of radioactive waste and other toxic materials from LLW & ILW
  • Highly expensive due to its high-energy requirement​
  • High amount of inactive salts leads to slowdown
  • ​Evaporation in organic salts leads to explosion

Incineration or Pyrolysis (High Temperature)

  • Releasing CO2, H2O, S, and HC1 as by-product
  • Requires gas-filtering systems to control radioactive discharges.
  • Thickening and removal of water need pretreatment

Distillation: Involves reduction of volume of radioactive waste in solid

  • Pretreatment technique of incineration
  • Requires high energy and slow output


  • H2: 120-142 MJ/kg
  • Gasoline: 44-51 MJ/kg From radioactive waste

Environmental & health benefits

  • 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of H2 gas = the energy in 1 gallon (6.2 pounds, 2.8 kgs) of gasoline
  • Hydrogen is abundant stored in H2O, hydrocarbons & other organic matter

Distillation: Involves reduction of volume of radioactive waste in solid

  • Radioactive waste is treated, in chronological order Incineration, evaporation and compaction to avoid contamination 
  • Radioactive waste remain forever buried 
  • Possibilities of leakage and contamination into the ground water or into the ocean 
  • Other physical methods: cutting, decontamination, sedimentation, land fill 
  • Ineffective in the treatment of radioactive waste 
  • Need for novel methods to treat the radioactive waste!!!
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MSDS - Entity 1: Transforming Greenhouse Gases to Energy and Valuable Materials
MSDS - Entity 1: Transforming Greenhouse Gases to Energy and Valuable Materials
Major radioactive elements: 238U/235U, 137Cs, 237Np, 239Pu, 241Am, 99Tc, and 90Sr can be treated to reduced insoluble, immobilized and precipitated form Based on the redox property of a radioactive element, each microbe has its own way of interaction with different heavy metals and radioactive elements.

Classification of Radioactive waste

Process of removal/disposal of radioactive waste by microorganism in electrochemical reactor

  • Metabolic activity of microorganism helps in the removal and conversion of radioactive compound to less radioactive/non-radioactive form.

  • Microbial remediation depends upon the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the microbe.

  • Involves oxidation, reduction, dissolution, precipitation, sorption, and leach processes greatly influencing the reduction of toxicity of the radioactive waste

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Deinococcus radiodurans

Extremophile, ability to live in extreme condition (high-temperature and high-radiation exposure)

Bacillus sphaericus

Capability to bind and store large amount of radioactive metals, in the paracrystalline proteinaceous surface S-layer

Pseudomonas strain

Capable of intracellular sequestering of U and Th by biosorption

Ref: Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Radioactive element
Half Life
Strontium 90Sr
29 years
Micrococcus luteus
Bio accumulation of Sr has been reported for several microorganism. The Sr binding to the cell envelope of the M. luteus is sensitive to pre- treatment. Radio strontium incorporation into carbonate phases is desirable.
Cesium 137Cs
30 years
Bacteria isolated from soil [E.coliKup(Trko)]
Specific Cs transport via the E.coliKup (TRKO) IS THE ONLY MICROORGANISM FOR WHICH NO WELL define K+ transport mutants are available.
Plautonium 239Pu
24,100 years
S. putrefacieans
G. metallireducens
B. subtilis
Direct enzymatic reduction of Pu(VI) and Pu(V) to Pu(IV) more stable and oxidized state of Pu by bacterial cell suspension. The Pu(VI) was sorbed to the bacterial cell surface through complexation with phosphate groups of the cells by B. subtilis.
Neptunium 237Np
2.14 x 10^6 years
Shewanella putrefaciens Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
Reduction of Np(V) {NpO2 highly radioactive, highly soluble} to Np(IV) by cell suspension of S.putrifaciensMR-1 and also by sulfate-reducing bacterial D. desulfuricans.
Uranium 238U 235U
4.41 x 10^9 years
Geobacter sulfurrenducens
Microbial bio transfer\reduction of toxic, soluble, mobilized {U(VI)} insoluble mineral uraninite as potential mechanism. Two step process: enzymatic reduction of U(VI) to U(V), then disproportionation of U(V) to U(IV).
Radioactive element
Half Life
Strontium 90Sr
29 years
Micrococcus luteus
Bio accumulation of Sr has been reported for several microorganism. The Sr binding to the cell envelope of the M. luteus is sensitive to pre- treatment. Radio strontium incorporation into carbonate phases is desirable.
Cesium 137Cs
30 years
Bacteria isolated from soil [E.coliKup(Trko)]
Specific Cs transport via the E.coliKup (TRKO) IS THE ONLY MICROORGANISM FOR WHICH NO WELL define K+ transport mutants are available.
Plautonium 239Pu
24,100 years
S. putrefacieans<br> G. metallireducens <br> B. subtilis
Direct enzymatic reduction of Pu(VI) and Pu(V) to Pu(IV) more stable and oxidized state of Pu by bacterial cell suspension. The Pu(VI) was sorbed to the bacterial cell surface through complexation with phosphate groups of the cells by B. subtilis.
Neptunium 237Np
2.14 x 10^6 years
Shewanella putrefaciens Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
Reduction of Np(V) {NpO2 highly radioactive, highly soluble} to Np(IV) by cell suspension of S.putrifaciensMR-1 and also by sulfate-reducing bacterial D. desulfuricans.
Uranium 238U 235U
4.41 x 10^9 years
Geobacter sulfurrenducens
Microbial bio transfer\reduction of toxic, soluble, mobilized {U(VI)} insoluble mineral uraninite as potential mechanism. Two step process: enzymatic reduction of U(VI) to U(V), then disproportionation of U(V) to U(IV).
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Plausible pathways to recycle radioactive waste


IAEA (1970) Standardization of radioactive waste categories. Technical Reports Series No. 101. International Atomic Energy Agency, (IAEA), Vienna
IAEA (1992) Treatment and conditioning of radioactive organic liquids., IAEA-TEC-DOC-656. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna
IAEA (1994, Classification of radioactive waste, Safety Series. No.111- G-1.1. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna
IAEA (2001a) Decontamination and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Technical Reports Series No. 401. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna
IAEA (2001b), Handling and processing of radioactive waste from applications. Technical Reports Series No. 401. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna
IAEA (2001c) Report series no. 401. Methods for the minimization of radioactive waste from decontamination and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna
IAEA (2002) Application of ion exchange process for the treatment of radioactive waste and management of spent ion exchanger. Technical Reports Series No. 408. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna
IAEA (2004) Application of the concepts of exclusions, exemption and clearance. IAEA Safety standards Series No. RS-G-1.7. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna
IAEA (2006a) Fundamental safety principles. IAEA SAFETY STANDARDS SERIES. SF-1, IAEA, Vienna
IAEA (2006b) Application of thermal technologies for processing of radioactive waste. IAEA-TECDOC-1527. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna
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Anaerobic Cathodic Reaction

Endogeneous electron reserves+NADH +H2

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General Methods of radioactive waste recycling - Recycling methods

Entity 1 | Electrocatalytic technology

Electrocatalytic conversion of GHG emissions from petrochemical industries

The electrocatalytic conversion of GHG emissions to Value Added Products (VAPs) including ethanol is carried out employing electrochemical reactor at ambient of 28oC, 1 atms pressure and flow rate of emissions from petrochemical industry roughly 500ml/min. The initiator solution is acidified with 50 ml of conc. HCl. The acidified solution generates in-house hydrogen gas to facilitate the reduction of GHG emissions with carbon in the form of CO2, CO, CH4, ethane, N2, SOx, NOx, S, H2S etc into ethanol, acetates and 5-methyl –phenylazothiophene – 2 – azo dye.
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Thus, from the HR-MS spectra of liquid and solid products of the GHG emissions electrocatalytic reduction as ethanol, Mg acetoethoxide, Cupric ethoxide, cuprous ethoxide, 5-methyl-phenyl azo thiophene-azo dye. Depending on the variation in constituents and composition of the input GHG emissions, either ethanol or 5-methyl-phenyl azo thiophene-azo dye or acetic acid can be fine-tuned to be the major product.

Electrocatalytic conversion of GHG emissions from petrochemical industries

Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2

Electrochemical separation and agglomeration of iron ore in steel slag

Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Steel slag is a by-product obtained in the steel production plants and also presents huge challenge in the solid waste disposal. The steel slag although considered as solid waste also possess several valuable elements such as titanium, nickel, Zinc, iron, aluminum, silica so on and so forth. These elements or compounds when extracted by chemical or physical process results in value addition in diverse fields of applications such as wastewater treatment to semiconductor devices. It can be understood from the literature that the leaching technique was the most widely used in the resource recovery domain followed by other techniques like fusion, hydrothermal treatment. As iron is the major constituent of steel production, any Fe content in the slag can be recovered electrochemically and utilize the silica content in the slag to encapsulate the same to avoid from environmental reactions and corrosion. The major advantage of Entity1 solution is that it can separate the minerals or elements at concentrations as low as parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb) (Ref: 202341000490).
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2

Silicon Ingots From Refractory Bricks and Steel Sludge, Slag Industrial Wastes

Steel slag is a by-product obtained in the steel production plants and also presents huge challenge in the solid waste disposal. The steel slag although considered as solid waste also possess several valuable elements such as titanium, nickel, Zinc, iron, aluminum, silica so on and so forth. These elements or compounds when extracted by chemical or physical process results in value addition in diverse fields of applications such as wastewater treatment to semiconductor devices. It can be understood from the literature that the leaching technique was the most widely used in the resource recovery domain followed by other techniques like fusion, hydrothermal treatment.
Refractory bricks from steel plants are mostly silicon dioxide (&gt; 70-98%). These refractory
bricks are rich source of semiconductor materials like Si and SiC upon proper processing. In
addition, steel sludge a waste material from steel industries possesses &gt; 70% of SiO 2 that can be processed to Si or SiC.
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2
Entity 1 | Electrochemical reactions of CO2 and N2

Incineration or Pyrolysis (High Temperature)

  • Releasing CO2, H2O, S, and HC1 as by-product
  • Requires gas-filtering systems to control radioactive discharges.
  • Thickening and removal of water need pretreatment
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Distillation: Involves reduction of volume of radioactive waste in solid

  • Pretreatment technique of incineration
  • Requires high energy and slow output


  • H2: 120-142 MJ/kg
  • Gasoline: 44-51 MJ/kg From radioactive waste

Environmental & health benefits

  • 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of H2 gas = the energy in 1 gallon (6.2 pounds, 2.8 kgs) of gasoline
  • Hydrogen is abundant stored in H2O, hydrocarbons & other organic matter

Physical Method

Evaporation: removal of salts, heavy metals and other hazardous & radioactive waste

  • Reduction of volume of radioactive waste and other toxic materials from LLW & ILW
  • Highly expensive due to its high-energy requirement​
  • High amount of inactive salts leads to slowdown
  • ​Evaporation in organic salts leads to explosion

Distillation: Involves reduction of volume of radioactive waste in solid

  • Radioactive waste is treated, in chronological order Incineration, evaporation and compaction to avoid contamination 
  • Radioactive waste remain forever buried 
  • Possibilities of leakage and contamination into the ground water or into the ocean 
  • Other physical methods: cutting, decontamination, sedimentation, land fill 
  • Ineffective in the treatment of radioactive waste 
  • Need for novel methods to treat the radioactive waste!!!
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